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July 22, 2014


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My favorite pattern is Happy Camper. I would love to have one of those. Congrats on the new patterns and thank you for the chance to win. Take care and God bless, Cory


The Happy Camper is adorable but your Enjoy the Ride pattern is definitely my fave. Love all your new patterns, thank you for the chance to win them because hand stitching, and embroidery is what I love to do in the summer!!

Sharlene Melhaff

I love bicycles, I don't ride one,
but love all the decorating items they have. I must make your "enjoy the ride" LOVE it!


Lyn Smith

They are all lovely but I really love
Acorn Hollow, or maybe it's the Happy Camper. Love embroidery all the time.

Ruth Robinson

Really? I have to decide -ok I love Acorn Hollow or maybe Hearth and Home-all kidding aside I love them all but if I have to choose I will go with Acorn Hollow! It is sweet!

Shirley Harrison

Like them all but my favorite is enjoy the ride. Will be looking for it in my local quilt shop


The camper reminds me of childhood days camping with my family. The bike is a quick reminder of summers I put my dog in the bike basket spending days at the local park. It's hard to choose a favorite because each spoke to me. Acorn Hollow is a great piece for Fall....and of course anything with Hollow in it is a winner since I'm Quilt Hollow!


Congrats on your new sweet patterns. Your ideas are always so cute and I really can't decide which one I like the best but we saw quite a few vintage campers on our trip last week in the mountains.....happy campers it is!


It's really hard to pick one because they are all so cute but my favourite is Acorn Hollow because it's a little different with the acorns as well as the leaves and it would look so pretty on anyone's table!

Mary Ellen

It is very hard too pick one when they are all so sweet ,but the Snow Globe with its Christmas theme would have to be the winner.I love all things Christmasey.


Well, how can I pick a favorite??? We just got a "new to us" old camper! I've had fun fixing it up and getting it ready to take out. The bicycle is just too cute! I've always loved baskets on bikes and your husband really hit the mark with your bicycle! Fall is our favorite time of year--I love the leaves, bon fires, hay rides, and crisp cool weather. We always have a big church-wide party at our home during the fall so I'm always on the lookout for fall decor to spiff things up a bit. And who can resist a Christmas snow globe? See, how can I pick a favorite? I love them all!!


Oh! Gosh they are all great-always LOVE your patterns! So hard to choose my favorite but am thinking the Favorite Ride-brings back memoires of my bike when I was a girl-not a good rider but was very proud of that bike. I love all the crafts all year long just wish I could find more hours in a day to do all I want. Thanks for the opportunity to win and also for all your great work!!

Linda Mickelson

"Enjoy the Ride" is my absolute favorite ~ I can't wait to stitch it! What a wonderful philosophy to have on life!
Happy Stitching ;)

Patti Levine

I love them all but Happy Camper is just singing for me! Love all the new camper designs popping up. Thanks for the chance to win….they are all perfect!

martha mumaw

I love the bicycle pattern but would be most likely to stitch the acorns!


I like the vintage camper. It's a bit like how we camp, we have a teardrop trailer my husband made. We have camping friends that have restored vintage RV's. That would be a fun project for us someday. Of course, I love the vintage bicycle.

Kathy O in GA

Wow Sherri - I love them all, but if I really had to pick, it would be the snowglobe...and I'd stitch it for my niece (she collects them) or maybe the bicycle as my DIL has a vintage style one, or the acorns...just because! We went tent camping when I was growing up, so that is the only one I might not stitch...thanks for the chance to win!

Linda Klauer

I think they are all cute, but I'd pick Hearth and Home because I love snow globes.

Nancy B

It is hard to pick a favorite. I love all of them, especially the camper and the bike. Guess I will pick "Enjoy the Ride". Thanks for the give a way!

Lin M.

I love the Happy Camper. My husband is hoping to go RVing in his retirement; perhaps a cute pillow would suffice?


They all are so pretty - its a hard decision but the bike and then the camper are top favs...
I also love handwork - it is just so relaxing plus you get something pretty in the end..
Thanks for such an interesting blog and wonderful ideas that you share.
[email protected]


Of the 4 new patterns, "Enjoy the ride" is my favorite. I have a new bicycle, also, but I do not have a basket. I'll need to shop for one. Red basket liner seems like a good choice. Thanks for the chance to win a pattern.


All of your new patterns are very cute. My favorite is Acorn Hollow. I have a little side table that it would look perfect on.


Love all the patterns - Enjoy the Ride is the one calling to me right now :)

cordelia Saltzman

I love the bicycle pattern!


Happy Camper is my favorite with Enjoy the Ride in a very close second. They are all awesome!

Nancy E

When I saw your new patterns, I immediately thought of a friend that has a vintage camper. I sent her a link to your page. I love your new patterns and my favorite is the bicycle one. I used to have a bicycle like that with a basket on it. Thanks for a chance to win your new patterns.

Kay Mc

I really like Hearth & Home. I have several of your patterns & they are always so fun to make.

Gail Grimm

I would first like to say, I love them all, there is not one that does not touch a part of me past or present. There is a toss up between Hearth and Home and the Happy Camper.
The Happy Camper tugs on not only the past as a Girl Scout camping and making S'Mores and little cakes cooked on the campfire inside an orange. The most recent camping experience would be right before my birthday, I went with friends and I caught my first fish, which was not cooked up. Instead, we named her Gerties and sent her on her way to make new friends.
The Hearth and Home reminds me if my mother who past few years ago. She always kept a little but if Christmas out year round, Christmas was her favorite time of year. I uphold her tradition for memories of my childhood as well as honoring her each day if the year. The Hearth and Home would be a design that she would have in her home year round.
I apologize for the long post, I got caught up in the emotions these patterns brought out.


I just love all of them and my favourite one would be heart at home.

Laurie B

What fun patterns!! My favorite is Hearth and Home :)

Diana Nesbitt

All the new patterns are outstanding. As for my favorite, I was leaning toward Happy Camper; as we are RV travelers, BUT can't help but pick EASY RIDE as my favorite. It just brings back so many childhood memories and makes me smile!!!

Mary S

I'm leaning toward Acorn Hollow first and the rest follow. Very cute ideas.


Oh gosh, it's a toss up between the camper and the bike! I love them both.


These are so cute! I love the camper!! We just bought a used camper and my hubby and I would love to take a trip soon.

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts

I love to hand embroider in the evenings~ esp when the temps get a little cooler! Your patterns are all so cute, but Hearth & Home just calls to me. Thanks for the chance!!

Jennifer Evans

Hearth and home is my favorite. I have really been on a roll with embroidery this month. Thanks for the chance to win.


Love them all, but then I simply love all your patterns and have a pile of them just ready to stitch away on! Love Hearth and Home because I stitch Christmas all year round, and love the longer days of summer so there's more time for stitching and the garden. Thanks for the chance to win.

Michelle F.

I love all the new patterns. If I had to pick just one, it would be Hearth and Home because by dad used to collect them when he was alive and it reminds me of him. Thanks for the chance to win.

Gale lavers

I pick enjoy the ride as my favorite, but they are all beautiful.

Kris LeBlanc

So hard to choose!! I like them all, but I'd have to pick Enjoy the Ride since I'm a bicycle nut!
Thanks for the chance to win!


Difficult to choose, but at the moment my favourite is the heatrs and house pattern right after the camper. Love this home in the snow globe, protected, nice, cosy....
Would love to win it!
sunny greetings

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